To use a Device with an Accuracy of 92 % as a Reference Device to test the Accuracy of Sleep Trackers?

Last Updated on December 11, 2022 by

Rob ter Horst uses a Dreem 2 headband as reference device to test the accuracy of sleep trackers

  • The Dreem 2 can now be bought for 700 USD on ebay. The ebay seller told us, the accuracy of the Dreem 2 is 92.00 % compared to a medical grade Polisomnograph:
  • A device with only an accuracy of 92.00 % as a reference device for accuracy?

We make the following suggestion for an accurate and affordable reference device:

1. Emotiv Epoc Flex 32 channel EEG device: 1200 USD:

2. Greentek Long-term EEG cap:

US $432.81 on Aliexpress:

  • we eventually get it cheaper directly from Greentek.

3. Sleep: An Open-Source Python Software for Visualization, Analysis, and Staging of Sleep Data:

If the accuracy of Dreem 2 is 92.00 %, we suppose that the accuracy of this setup is near to 100 %.

The Gold Standard for sleep tracking Polisomography uses according to Rob ter Horst also eye movement data and muscle movement data. Devices to measure these parameters have become more affordable in recent years. Adding such devices to the current setup would increase the accuracy of the setup further.