Last Updated on December 16, 2023 by
Why does a g.tec medical multi-purpose device have 32 channels? We do not know the answer. OpenBCI has up to 16 channels and is called «open brain computer interface». And g.tec medical multi-purpose uses the word «medical» to describe the device, and not brain computer interface. A g.tec medical multi-purpose device was used in the following validation paper about the Polar OH1:
Here is the picture of the g.tec medical device which was used in the paper.
For comparison we have here an OpenBCI headset.
- We can see 8 channels on the picture, together with the electrodes on the back head, it has 16 electrodes.
- We are looking for a device to study the effect of mediation on the brain. The signals of interest are alpha waves which represent a calm state of mind.
- The other parameter which is interesting are gamma waves, especially gamma waves in the pre-frontal cortex, as we have described previously in our journal.
But can we localize gamma waves in the prefrontal cortex with a 16 channel ECG heatset? We can, we can do this also with the Muse headband. But if we have a choice, we would rather choose a 32 channel device if there is one available which fit s our needs.
Currently this device fit s our needs:
And the g.tec medical multi-purpose heatset with 32 EEG channels fit s our needs as well. But who spends 50 000 USD for a EEG headset for his home lab?
We personally currently have no plans to spend 50 000 USD for this device, and we do not know if we need such a device for our application. But we are promoting this device instead:
There are also 32 and 64 channel headsets from mBrainTrain, but they offer as far as we know only Bluetooth 5 transmission. And since we are interested in fast high frequency gamma waves we are looking for an EEG headset which offers WIFI transmission.
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