There is currently only one keyboard which works with the Pinephone

Last Updated on July 7, 2024 by

«Some prefer to spend their money with a linux-friendly supplier where possible. In that case the distinction between ‘logitech supports linux’ and ‘linux supports logitech products’ matters. Roccat used to actively work with a developer to get support for their products into the upstream kernel, but that’s unusual so noteworthy when you find it.»
I can’t comment on other devices as the Stowaway is the only one I’ve extended experience with.

I agree with wibble. 

The Stowaway Bluetooth keyboard which was tested for 30 min. by wibble is currently the only keyboard which is left for the Pinephone:

   Pine64 does not offer the Pinephone keyboard anymore. 

So it’s like it was about 10 years ago when this picture was taken with the iGo Stowaway keyboard. There is no alternative for the Pinephone of you need a keyboard.