Richard Davidson, PhD.
was born in 12, 1951in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, United States
He is the Founder of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
which was founded in 2008
Yogi Bhajan, PhD,
master of Kundalini Yoga
Born: August 26, 1929, Gujranwala, Pakistan
Yogi Bjajan died on : October 6, 2004
in Española, New Mexico, United States
Yogi Bhajan was the founder of 3HO, the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization located in New Mexico, USA.
We found on:
the vision of Richard Davidson. His vision is:
“I envision a day when mental exercise will be as much a part of our daily lives as physical exercise and personal hygiene.”
Davidson further said his research group is working on an app aimed at cultivating well-being through guided meditation and breathing exercises, along with ways to measure it. Ultimately, though, he hopes such an app will become unnecessary—that people will make cultivating well-being a part of their daily life, like brushing their teeth. “This is a kind of mental hygiene,” he said.
But Yogi Bhajan taught such a daily practice long before Richard Davidson. The following videos was recorded before 2004 when Yogi Bhajan was still alive, and the Center of Healthy Mind was only founded in 2008. Yogi Bhajan practiced Sadhana every day. In the following video Yogi Bhajan said:
«Majority of you do not understand,
that Sadhana is not a joke.
Sadhana is self.
So any day you do not your Sadhana,
that day you have lost yourself to yourself.
Sadhana we never to for neighours,
Sadhana we never to for pleasing God,
Sadhana we never do for anything,
Sadhana we do only so that we can be clear headed and clear concious.
Everybody knows what Sadhana is.
(Sadhana is Kundalini Yoga Training in the moring
where the Yogi’s get up at 4 a.m. in the morning
and practice Kundalini Yoga until 7 a.m)
But very view people do it.
And when yo don’t do your Sadhana,
then you blame circumstances,
bad luck and good luck and God knows what.
What is going to come foks is going to come.
You cannot stop this.
Sometimes you have Karma of the previous life,
sometimes you have Prama of this life.
Things to happen.
Good and bad are things which do happen,
you cannot stop this.
If you have a clear head,
you go through it, gracefully.
If you have a clear head,
you will understand it very well,
and you will be in a position,
to confront and to be clear about things.
That is what Sadhana means to people.
But in 25 years I have not convinced Americans to take a cold shower. I couldn’t.
(Sadhana starts in Kundalini Yoga at 4 a.m. with a cold shower)
If you that little thing you can’t do, what else in the world you can do?
The colder the water is the better is the bath.
And as you put cold water onto your body the blood will open up the capillaries,
and it will give you a good health.
But I can’t convince people, because there is a hot shower everywhere.
Exactly, I tell people that get up in the morining and do you Sadhana.
They know it,there is a manual available who everybody has.
But people have stopped doing it.
And the reason they stopped doing it.
Who should get up in the morning and do it?
Actually that morning is the time when you want to decide wether you want to live or die.
In contrast to Richard Davidson who practices a practice of 20 min. daily meditation,Yogi Bhajan practiced self-control for two hours in the morning and two ours in the evening (which is a total of 4 hours a day).
In the following video we can find an example of Richard Davidson as a teacher for meditation (at the beginning of the video):
And here are the instructions of Yogi Bhajan, PhD. for doing Sadhana continued:
The time from 4 to 7 (a.m) in the morning,
and from 4 to 7 (p.m.) in the evening,
has always been very difficult for humanity.
It is called twilight zone.
If you can control yourself between these two hours in the morning and evening,
It is not possible that you do not have good outlook,
and you are not very satisfied and happy.
Unfortunately Yogi Bhajan PhD. did not have a brain scanner in his tent to proof all of this, but we believe him and know that most of what Yogi Bhajan said in the above video is true by our own experience.
Part II can be found here:
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