The treadmills, treadmill speed sensors & data analysis software DC Rainmaker & Schiller uses are terrible for a home lab for a physologist like Peter Gamma from

Last Updated on March 30, 2024 by

  • As for instance this terrible treadmill DC Rainmaker uses to test the accuracy of the TreadTracker Treadmill Sensor:
  • «Treadmill Accuracy Testing Fun» with DC Rainmaker is no fun at all for a physiologist like Peter Gamma. The device is too little robust as you can see in the above video.
  • And this Schiller CS 200 Ergospirometry Diagnostic Equipment from the Dr’s Toy Store for 23 000 USD:
  • is no fun at all for Peter Gamma, since 23 000 USD is too much for a home lab for a physiologist like him who live at the MRIS:

Until a better solution is found with:

a treadmill like this:

updated with a treadmill motor like this:

and a treadmill controller like this:

and a open source Raspberry Pi treadmill speed sensor like this:

attached to a software like this:

Treadmills are not interesting at all for Peter Gamma from