The Tibetan Loten Dahortsang teaches meditation & Lu Jong Yoga in Buddhist centers in Europe & leads meditation retreats at the Tibetan monastery Rikon in Switzerland

Last Updated on May 5, 2024 by

Loten Dahortsang

Video about Loten Dahortsang

Loten Dahortsang came to Switzerland in 1982,
into the Tibetan Monastry Rikon in Tösstal.
He was as the only monk student educated for 17 years
from two great Tibetan Masters,
which where sent from his Holiness the Dalai Lama the 14th
to Switzerland and educated.
And he had a wonderful oportunity to get to know
autentically the Tibetan culture and at the first place Buddhism,
and this has also guided his way a bit.
He did not decide everything by himself,
but his oncle, which means the brother of his mother,
to whom they came to Switzerland.
His oncle has planed the way for him,
who was a great master of Buddhism and Meditation in Switzerland.

Loten Dahortsang offer for instance:

Teacher education:

and Retreats in Tibet:

For more information, visit the site of Loten Dahortsang: