Last Updated on April 16, 2024 by
- The Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ; “New Journal of Zürich”) is a Swiss newspaper published in Zürich.[1]
- The paper was founded in 1780.
- It was described as having a reputation as a high-quality newspaper.
- As the Swiss-German newspaper of record.
- And is described for having the reptutation for objective and detailed reports on international affairs.[2]
source of this text is Wikipedia about NZZ:
Daniele Muscionico, Swiss cultural journalist wrote on 25.02.2017 in the NZZ about Vanja Palmers:
The most dangerous man in Switzerland
«Vanja Palmers wants to save humanity with psychedelic drugs. The heir to the textile dynasty of the same name has created a parallel world on the Rigi
«The first time he took LSD, he was Buddha. It stayed that one time. Vanja Palmer’s conviction that he was as wise as Buddha quickly disappeared once the drug rush wore off. Since then he has struggled to gain clarity of vision even when sober. Because even though he is far less wise than he would like, he knows for sure: the survival of humanity lies in the hands of a blindly mad, unconscious mob. And that is ourselves.»
Vanja Palmers said in this NZZ article:
“I’m living my old hippie dream”
(Image: Goran Basic / NZZ)

- Who does not agree with the NZZ that Vanja Palmers is the the most dangerous man in Switzerland?
- Since is it not dangerous to study Vanja Palmers and to try see him trough?
- Does this not take a lot of time?
- And do we not waist our time by doing so?
- We have put Vanja Palmers on our list of potentially dangerous people who can eventually be a waist of time studying those: