Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Is the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w with DietPi, LibreOffice & 7 inch smartphone as a screen one of the best devices for mobile which is currently available?

Last Updated on June 29, 2024 by

LibreOffice can be installed and executed on the Raspberry Pi zero w:

  • Kajidataonline from Malaysia who made this video says he owns now a Rasperry Pi zero 2 w, which is much better.
  • So LibreOffice should run much better on the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w than shown in the above video.
  • Kajidataonline installed LibreOffice on the Raspberry Pi OS.

Kajidataonline shows in the above video only that LibreOffice can be is installed but not how it is executed. Does this mean that it cannot be executed?

  • If it hungs, it could eventually be an issue with the lack of sufficient Ram.

There are tweaks available such a zRam which sould make it better:

And also of we install LibreOffice on DietPi instead of Rasbperry PiOS as shown in the above vodeo should save Ram.

  • Then LibreOffice should run even better.
  • I tested LibreOffice on a Raspberry Pi 4 with a 7 inch screen, and it was usable without modification.
  • With the Pinephone it is not usable on the 5.5. inch screen.
  • A Raspberry Pi zero 2 w runs for more than 24 hrs with a 10 000 mAh battery.
  • We can add a 7 inch smartphone as a power efficient Raspberry Pi screen.
  • The Pinephone does not even offer a keyboard anymore exept the iGo Sowawy:

  • We the Raspberry Pi zero 2 we we can use any Bluetooth keybaord.
  • This makes this device to one of the best devices which is available for mobile office:

And we invite you to test and develop this device further as I did.

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