Recently a first center of the Drukpa Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism has been established in German-speaking Switzerland

Last Updated on June 3, 2024 by

Pema Wangyal teaches there:

Here we can see Pema Wangyal on the YouTube channel Yogtrack @ThePemaWangya:

The center is called Drukpazentrum and is located in Kollbrunn near Winterthur:

  • From 2006 to 2022 Pema Wangyal was the representative of the Kagyu School at the Tibet Institute Rikon and worked as a meditation master and yoga teacher there for more than 16 years.
  • And he now teaches at the Drukpazentrum Kollbrunn
  • Drukpa Kargyüd School of Tibetan Buddhism has a history of more than 800 years.
  • This line was founded by the great master Tsangpa Gyare in Tibet in the 12th century.
  • To not to mix it up: Marpa Chokyi Lodro, the Translator was was the founder of the Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism, and Milarepa his student. We reported about those on
  • Pema Wangyal was the representative of the Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism in the Rikon Tibet Insitute Monastry.
  • It is now the first time that a Drukpa Kargyüd School of Tibetan Buddhism center has been established in German-speaking Switzerland
  • Drukpa Kagyu School was opened where the teachings and unique practices passed on along this line .