The community for the preservation and development of the OpenBCI WIFI shield

Last Updated on January 16, 2023 by

We are happy to announce that we have a new community sharing the same interest for the preservation and development of the OpenBCI WIFI shield.

The community consists of:

1. Alixpress sellers who sell the WIFI shield on Aliexpress

but currently do not offer a generally accepted store where they sell a new updated denoised and power improved issue-free OpenBCI WIFI shield.

2. Scientists who make animal tests with OpenBCI

We are convinced that these scientists are interested in the WIFI shield.

3. The Mediation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

doing basic research in the field of meditation, using OpenBCI & the WIFI shield.

4. stellarpower from Scottland, WIFI shield owner who is using Robert Oostenvelds eegsynth for converting real-time EEG into sounds, music and visual effects

as you can see on his stellarpowers GITHUB page:

Unfortunately, stellarpower currently has reliability problems with his WIFI shield, which he reported in the OpenBCI forum:

5. Shirley Zhang from OpenBCI, responsible for the OpenBCI WIFI shield

Shirley only can be reached through, but will not respond.

The community discussion about this topic cannot take place in the OpenBCI forum, since I, Peter Gamma is frequently locked out of the OpenBCI forum, and cannot take part at the discussion there. But we can also have a discussion in the comment section below on this site: