The most affordable low-cost high-quality curved treadmill for Swiss costumers we know can be bought in UK – why not from Galaxus Switzerland?

Last Updated on December 8, 2023 by

The cheapest we could find is this one from UK which costs 2800 USD shipping to Switzerland included:

A similar product sold by Galaxus Switzerland and the cheapest we could find in Switzerland is the Gladiatorfit curved treadmill. It was $ 3 000 in November and now it’s $ 4 000:

Is this price not too high? When Swiss customers read the review of the Meditation Research Institute of Switzerland (MRIS) about curved treadmills under the tag “treadmill”:

do they not come to this conclusion as well?

We can see that a similar curved treadmill costs in US only 2 000 USD:

Why do Swiss have to pay arouand double the price for a smilar product as people who live in the US? Why does Galaxus Switzerland not include the ADVG curved runner treadmill with 9 gears and 2 year guarantee from a UK warehouse in their shop?

It is available for 1 000 USD less than the Gladiatorfit treadmill which Galaxus Switzerland sells and we suppose it has a similar quality. And if we look closely at the pictures of the Gladiatorfit and the ADVG curved runner treadmill, are these not the same product with a different branding?