Last Updated on November 27, 2024 by
Is Krisztián Hofstädter a rich meditator who meditates assisted by a brain scanner? And as sort of a camouflage for his project, he wants to sell us the Greentek Gelfree S3 cap?:
Or was it his job to sell us the Greentek Gelfree S3 cap and failed? And Peter Gamma from

is asking a similar question about the Center of Healthy Minds in Madison. Are the around 75 people who are working there meditators who meditate assisted by a brain scanner?
And as a camouflage they do some research there? Or they do research there with the goal to make money out of it, but basically failed up to the present day. And Peter is asking similar questions about other centers and people around the world we mentioned on, as for instance the lab of Flavio Frohlich from Switzerland:
Are a lot of projects we have discussed on rich man s projects which are only available for the rich? Osho said he was a rich mans Guru:
Are the mentioned projects rich man s project? But Osho was controversial for being a rich mans Guru. If things would be of interest for the general public, would they not be available for everyone? And if meditating assisted by a brain scanner would be of interest for the general public, would such projects not be funded by the general public as well? But as far as we know, many of these projects are not or only partly funded publicly. And if they are not funded transparently and publicly, but eventually from a majority of rich people, who try to make money of this projects, but seem to fail up to the present day, are these scientific brain scan studies and the results which seem only partly be published not only of limited interest and use for the general public?
But eventually these projects where a success for the people who initiated these, and are in the back ground, who where no stars in the field of meditation research, and did not have this goal, such as business scientists and lawyers. A success where the books of Matthieu Ricard, Richard R. Davidson and Daniel Goleman. But we are still waiting for the scientific revolution Matthieu Ricard was talking about 20 years ago in the field of meditation research.