The brain scan study of Mind Monitor developer James Clutterbuck?

Last Updated on May 5, 2024 by

James is a highly skilled and experienced IT professional.

For the last 10 years, James has been the Infrastructure and Security Manager for the E-Learning division of the UK Police.

  • He moved to Canada as a permanent resident in 2010, to start a family with his Canadian wife.
  • At age seven, he started programming on the BBC Micro and has had a passion for technology ever since, as well as his Networking and Security work
  • James has developed several successful iOS & Android apps as well as building a 3D printer and his own design, 3D printed Hexapod Robot.

picture 1 when James Clutterbuck started the brain scan study?

picture 2 which shows that James Clutterbuck will not publish the result of the study?

This picture can be found on the Mind Monitor Github:

James Clutterbuck supports the Mind Monitor app:

Peter Gamma from asked James Clutterbuck when he changed the name of the name of his app from Muse Monitor to Mind Monitor to choose another picture in his GITHUB has well, but he said he is happy with his picture, since it a symbol picture of his face.