The brain scan study of Dego Hangartner Meditation Teacher | PCC Certified Coach (individuals & teams) | Neuro-scientific Research Collaborator EPFL | TEDx Speaker | HSG Lecturer | Performance Coach?

Last Updated on May 6, 2024 by

Is what we see here in the face of Diego Hangartner the result of a scientific study about the effect of meditation?

If so, Diego Hangartner, don’t give up.

Happiness can be trained,

Keep up and you will kept up,

and alway look at the bright thight of life.

And Peter Gamma from

would like to thank Diego Hangartner

for publishing this pictures of himself in the web.

We do not know if these pictures show some results of a brain scan studies about the effect of meditation,

but would Diego Hangartner not be a candiate which we eventually would expect that he participates in such a study?

And if this pictures are part ot the result of such a scientific study,

an Diego Hangartner has published these pictures which are part of a study,

would this not mean,

that Diego Hangartner has a good heart,
and what does it mean to have a good heart is
to have the intention to free all beings
from physical and mental suffering

And if Dego has published this pictures eventually also to warns us of from something, is this not the same as to have a good heart? And if Diego did this, we thank Diego for having a good heart.