Swiss TV visited recently visited Pema Wangyal, Tibetan Buddhist monk at the Rikon Tibet Institute for a course in meditation, but Pema is now a teacher at Drukpazentrum Kollbrunn & we invite the Swiss TV once more to visit Pema & ask him how it is for him to be a teacher in the Drukpazentrum Kollbrunn in Zurich

Last Updated on May 12, 2024 by

  • The 47-year-old Pema Wangyal is a Tibetan Buddhist monk
  • He graduated at the Central Universities of Tibetan Higher Studies, Sarnath:India
  • He received a Bachelor of Buddhist Philosophy in the year 2006.
  • In the year 2006 he came to Switzerland on behalf of the Tibetan government in exile and lived in the Tibet Institute in Rikon for almost 17 years
  • Swiss TV showed recently a crash course in meditation with Pema Wangyal where he taught Swiss comedian Manu Burkart:
  • But Pema Wangyal left the Rikon Tibet Institute Monastry recently:
  • And Pema Wangyal is now a teacher at Drukpazentrum Kollbrunn in Zurich, Switzerland:

  • On LinkedIn, Pema Wangyal does not mention that he lived for 17 years in the Tibet Institute in Rikon Monastry.
  • Peter Gamma from invites Swiss TV now to visit Pema Wangyal once more, and to stick to what he indicates on linkedIn, and nothing else:

  • There must be reason for this that he does not list on LinkedIn that he lived for 17 years in the Rikon Tibet Insitute Monastry.
  • And we invite Swiss TV to stick what is listed on the LinkedIn site of Pema Wangyal which says that he:
  • graduated at the Central Universities of Tibetan Higher Studies, Sarnath, India
  • and he received a Bachelor of Buddhist Philosophy in the year 2006
  • and now in the year 2024 he teaches at the Drukpazentrum Kollbrunn in Zurich, Switzerland

To summarize:

We invite Swiss TV to visit Pema Wangyal who graduated at the Central Universities of Tibetan Higher Studies, Sarnath, India, where he received a Bachelor of Buddhist Philosophy in the year 2006 and talk to him how it is to teach now in the year 2024 in the Drukpazentrum Kollbrunn in Zurich, Switzerland.

Pema Wangyal at Tibet Rikon Institute Monastry Switzerland

Pema Wangyal at the Drukpazentrum Kollbrunn in Zurich, Switzerland

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