Swiss Diakon Christian Kelter (53) has a passion for football – but what does Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard say about passion?

Last Updated on March 26, 2024 by

Swiss Diakon Christian Kelter (53) and his passion for football:

Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard about passion (at 2 min in the video):

As a French men Matthieu Ricard must say that,
there ar lot of French intellectuals,
who say happiness is not at all interesting.
Matthieu Ricard wrote an essay about happiness,
and there was a controversy,
someone wrote an article and was saying:
«don’t impose on the dirty word of happiness»
we don’t care about being happy,
we need to live with passion,
we like the ups and downs of life,
we like our suffering because it is,
so good when it seases for a while».