Struggle to find an Office solution for a Linux phone

Last Updated on March 15, 2023 by

Since Google killed the option to write to the exernal SD card I suffer. Since 05-06-2022 I struggled to install LibreOffice on the PinePhone. But when I installed it, it was so horrible that I have let go of it. I suffered for another 9 month without satisfying solution.

alaraajavamma said LibreOffice runs better on the PinePhone with the Flatpak version. LibreOffice can be installed from the flathub. But as a Linux beginner I failed to install it and received always annoying error messages.

Alaraajavamma seem to be an experienced Office user on the PinePhone. She said, she does not use LibreOffice on the PinePhone, she uses Abiword and Gnumeric. The development of both apps seem to have stopped about 10 years ago, but I still found a version to run it on a Windows PC for both apps.

To install Abiword and Gnumeric on the PinePhone also takes some time for a Linux beginner. Even in the Open Store of Ubports, there are only spartanic word processors available.

I installed PostmarkedOS now on my PinePhone, since it supports the PinePhone keyboard. According to wibble, also on other Linux phones, PostmarkedOS should support to write to the external SD card, which is something which is great to know. UBport does not support it on all phones.

As a Linux beginner, I had to find out, that PostmarketOS is Linux Alpine based, and we have to type these cryptic commands to install it:

Sudo apk add Abiword

Sudo apk add Gnumeric

Finally, I managed to install Abiword and Gnumeric on a PinePhone running POS. The PinePhone keyboard works with it. Both Abiword and Gnumeric run now. The apps look like Word and Excel twenty years ago, but what more do you want on a Linux phone? Has someone a better solution than Gnumeric and Abiword which I propose here also to install instead of LibreOffice on the PinePhone?