Some facts about Antoine Lutz

Last Updated on May 10, 2024 by

  • Antoine Lutz was the first author of the PNAS paper from 2004:

  • We have discussed this paper here:
  • Antoine Lutz has a site at the Center of Healthy Minds which can be found here:

  • He is Staff Research Scientist at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center.
  • He is Staff Scientist (Chargé de recherche) at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CNRL), INSERM, France.
  • He received his PhD in cognitive science in Paris, France with Francisco Varela
  • Francisco Varela (1946 – 2001) was a Chilean biologist, philosopher, cybernetician, and neuroscientist who, together with his mentor Humberto Maturana, is best known for introducing the concept of autopoiesis to biology,
  • Francisco Varela was co-founding the Mind and Life Institute to promote dialog between science and Buddhism.
  • Antoine Lutz did postdoctoral research with Richard Davidson at the University of Madison-Wisconsin.
  • He was working as a scientist in the United States for ten years.
  • He joined the CNRL in January 2013.
  • CNRL:
  • Antoine Lutz is a research director at INSERM in the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CNRL).
  • His main research interest is the neuroscience of mindfulness and compassion meditations and their effects on consciousness, attention and emotion regulation, and pain perception.
  • His recent research in Madison includes an NIH-NCCAM-funded project examining the cognitive and neural mechanisms of action of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) intervention and its effects on attention, pain perception, and fear conditioning.
  • Dr. Lutz received an ERC Consolidator Grant in December 2013 to expand his research program on mindfulness meditation in Lyon, France.
  • Antoine Lutz is one of the view scientists who writes papers about meditation on a regular basis:

  • Antoine Lutz gives talks at Tergar
  • Antoine Lutz gives talks with Mingour Rhinpoche

This is the picture we found from Antoine Lutz where he seems to suffer the most:

And this picture shows him when he looked the happiest.

  • The second picture could be found on his google scholar site