Since when does Arnaud Delorme use MNE Python? Is he not the developer of the widely used Matlab toolbox EEGLAB?

Last Updated on April 5, 2023 by

But Arnaud Delorme claims, that Python is mainly for coders, whereas Matlab is for users which usually don’t code.

Is it true, what Arnaud Delorme claims? Some coders claim, Python can do almost anything Matlab can, and sometimes even more.

For us personally, Arnaud Delorme is a great scientist, who can explain many complicated EEG tools in an easy whay. These kind of scientists are rare. But our problem with Matlab is, that Matlab is expensive, Matlab supporters delete all our questions in the Matlab forum, even those which are not about Python. Is this not illegal? And Matlab does not run on ARM based computers, as for instance on the ARM single board computer RK3588 SOC, which is our preferred platform for our projects.

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