Shantideva became from a sinner to a saint – but what about Robert Oostenveld?

Last Updated on May 10, 2024 by

Shantideva became from a meditator with green skin:

to the most famous poet of Tibet & the founder of the Kagyü school of Tibetan Buddhism:

Did Robert Oostenveld had a dream to follow Shantideva’s foot steps?

But then he became a saint wo is a “maker”?

Is this the result of Matthieu Ricard’s, Buddhist monk with PhD in Cellular Genetics slogan “happiness can be trained”?

Why do we not have a scientific study of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich which brings clarity to this topic?

Is the scientific study of the ETH Zurich Diego Hangartner who did a self-experiment as well, who became a victim of Matthieu Ricard as well?

And if so, is all of this not irritating? And will we ever learn more about this topic in a high-quality scientific journal?

Did other do similar scientific self-experiments or studies, but do we find those not on YouTube, but only in a university libraries as this one?

Was Matthieu Ricard a project to manipulate us? What is your opinion about this topic? write it in the comments below.

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