Robotics student Jacob Crume about the Pinephone – a paid promotional review?

Last Updated on October 25, 2023 by

Was the information that Jacob Crume is robotics student removed from the review as a consequence of our reviews?

Jacob Crume used a Linux-based PinePhone daily for a year and shared what he experienced with it on itsfoss:

Jacob is a robotics student in New Zealand that loves to tinker, and in his spare spare time, he love firing up virtual machines and trying out new distros, as well as working on his competition robot:

Jakob writes that since he received his Pinephone in December 2020, it has been a key part in his daily life using it as a daily driver for the whole of 2021. Here what he experiences with it.

Peter Gamma, Physiologist & Director of the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS):

has read Jacob Crume’s user report about the Pinephone with great interest and bought a Linux-based PinePhone as well. Is a Robotics student like Jacob Crume who loves firing up virtual machines and trying out new distros not a good evaluator for a device that might also be of interest for research institutes and physiologists?

Jacob Crume writes in his review that he often edited documents in LibreOffice on his Pinephone. One of the first things Peter Gamma did with his Pinephone was to try to install LibreOffice on it. But when the Swiss physiologist did this it took him almost a month, and he shares here what he experienced when doing so:

Peter Gamma misses on Jacob Crume’s user report that he did not indicate how it took for him to install LibreOffice in his Pinephone.We found only little critisism about the Pinephone in Jacob Crume’s review. Did Jacob Crume receive a Pinephone for free from Pine64 in exchange for a review? And is his user report as a concequence a paid promotionial demo? Jacob Crume writes nothing about this in his report.

Peter Gamma has now installed LibreOffice on his Pinephone and does no use LibreOffice nor the Pinephone. He is interested in using Abiword, Gnmeric and eventually LibreOffice later on, but he first has to costumize it for the small screen of the Pinephone so that it is usable:

But will this take another month or even longer? Before he does this Peter Gamma is looking for analternative device which can do out of the box what it promises to be capable of. Peter Gamma previously reported in this journal about a review of the Orange Pi 5. There a user reported to have tested the Orange Pi 5 with several OS but this did not run stable, so he has chosen a Raspberry Pi and everything worked right away.

  • Peter Gamma is evalating further and watches the user reports of Dr. Syazwan AI from Malaysia about the Rasbperry Pi zero W on YouTube:
  • as well as those from YouTube video maker Leepspvideo from U.K. since he still hasn’t found what he is looking for.
  • And he doubts more and more about user reports on YouTube and in the web which sound very good in reality are very difficult to reproduce and he asks himself if these are paid promotionial demos which are not declared as this?
  • Paid promotionial demos as the one about the Raspberry Pi 5 by YouTube video maker Christopher Barnatt from ExplainingComputers: