Robert Oostenveld has tested the Unicorn Black by g.tec medical on his blog – is this a paper which was rejected by a scientific journal?

Last Updated on February 17, 2024 by

Robert Oostenveld has written a lot of papers:

and has been cited 47 721 times to this date. Why does a scientist test the Unicorn Black by g.tec and publishes the results on his blog? Which scientist does this? The ones who have submitted a paper about the Unicorn Black by g.tec to a scientific journal which rejected the paper. And then it was worth it to do further tests and has published what was rejected by the journal on his blog?

Which basically would mean that the Unicorn Black by g.tec medical is a device which was reviewed by Robert Oostenfeld on his blog, but is not used by Robert Oostenfeld for writing papers?