Rob ter Horsts mega accuracy plots together with numerical & statistical data published in Nature & Science?

Last Updated on December 12, 2023 by

What whould happen if Rob publishes his testing protocols and results together with a statistically relevant group tested subjects and would look for a journal to publish the results? Would Nature or Science accept the paper? 100 smartwatches tested against the Polar H10? Would it not be better to test these 100 smartwatches on a treadmill against a g.tec medical 3 channel ECG device with speeds up to about 15 km/h? Would the chances not be better that Nature or Science would accept it?

But what would be the conclusion of the paper? Eventually: the authors of the paper found out that these smartwatches deliver data which cannot be reproduced, and they do not know how helpful these devices are for scientific studies?

If 100 smartwatches would be tested by scientists with this result would this not be revolutionary and therefore worth to be published in Nature and Science?