Richard R. Davidson at Landguet Ried in Bern or Lama Pema Wangyal at the Drukpa Center Kollbrunn?

Last Updated on July 13, 2024 by

Richard Davidson talks about the benefits of meditation and its effects on the brain at the Landguet Ried in Bern Switzerland:

And Lama Pema Wangyal talks at the Drukpa Center Kollbrunn near Winterthur in Switzerland about the breathing purification exercise of the Drukpa lineage (sub-title in german):

We have choosen this video of Lama Pema Wangyal since we are interested in breath meditation. Unfortunately it is only available in German. But you find other videos on the YouTube channel Yogtrack of Lama Pema Wangyal which are in English.

Since the community of meditators in Switzerland is small, we have decided to choose English as the Language on, altough we are Swiss. We do this ot reach a larger community.

Richard R. Davidson knows about the scientific details about meditation. And Lama Pema Wangyal was a teacher for meditation at the Tibet Rikon Institute Monastry Switzerland for 17 years. Where would you rather go to visit a talk? To Richard R. Davidson at Landguet Ried in Bern, or to Pema Wangyal at the Drukpa Center Kollbrunn? Write it in the comments below.