Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Recent developments of office applications which run on the Pinephone, Android phones & on Raspberry Pi OS

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by


  • We can see here that one of the most advanced Office solutions for the Pinephone is currently MS Word 97 & box86/WINE

Android Phones

  • The most recent Office solution for Android phones we know if SoftMaker Office 2024 for iOS and Android

Raspberry Pi OS

  • A Pinephone is not very suitable for mobile applications as discussed here:
  • But who wants to process his office files on a small Android phone screen?
  • An alternative is a second device for Office applications.
  • For instance a Bigtreetech Pad 7 allows the installation of Raspberry Pi OS:
  • It has no battery but this can be solved with a power bank.
  • The device is similar built to a tablet.
  • It is available for around 100 USD on Aliexpress.
  • It can be upgraded with more powerful Raspberry PI CM4 module.
  • On a 7 inch display as the one of the Bigtreetech Pad 7 LibreOffice is usable.
  • The most recent version of LibreOffice is 7.6.7; (10. Mai 2024)

Information for product sellers who do stock market speculation and scalping with products mentioned by Peter Gamma on

According to the little experience of Peter Gamma from, many of the products listed here are still full of issues which need to be resolved. If you do stock market speculation and scalping with those, you will loose Peter Gamma from as a buyer of these products and as a reviewer. Is this not risky? Will you not loose a majority of your costumers as well?

And is it not so, that society in general does not accept stock market speculation and scalping with products as those which are listed here? And will you not be politically incapable of finding a majority of the voters if you do stock market speculation and scalping with these products?

And as a consequence will you not be condemned and punished by a political referendum soon? Especially if you do this to a Swiss, since are not majority of Swiss against stock market speculations and scalping with people on a budget? And people in Switzerland are known for a lot of political referendums, since we have direct democracy in this country.

And Peter Gamma from will fight up to the European Court of Human Rights against people who do stock market speculation and scalping with the products which are mentioned on And if they do not have yet the legal basis there to do so, he will fight for it.

What is a scalper?

A scalper is someone who buys something and resells it at a price far above the initial cost. For instance some says: “He got theater tickets through a scalper”: Someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit. And is it not also scalping if you take reviews from this site to make out of it a new product offer, and sell it for a higher price? We doubt that you will be successful with it. Since Peter Gamma will review your product and will user not come back to after that?

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