Rahmat Ilias Basti: pioneer developer from Indonesia with a Raspberry Pi which measures the heart rate from ECG

Last Updated on May 25, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

EKG (Elektrokardiogram) AD8232 & Raspberry Pi 3B + 7″ Touchscreen LCD

  • Rahmat Ilias Basti offers a new device based on Raspberry Pi with ECG which measures the heart rate of a person running at different speeds.
  • It is the first sports watch we know which is based on a ECG device with 3 electrodes. Unfortunately, stop watch function is not integrated, a separate smartphone app is necessary for it.
  • If you are interested in the device, contact Rahmat Ilias Basti from Indonesia rahmatanaksp4@gmail.com.
  • Rahmat Ilias Bastis device is not an open source soft- and hardware device. He offers neither the code nor the instruction. It could be based on Scott Hardens Sound Card ECG which shows the ECG heart rate in real-time on a Windows PC.
  • The heart rate in Rahmat Ilias Bastis device is calculated after the activity and shown at the end of the video. It could eventually also be based on HeartPy.
  • If you want to build a Raspberry Pi with ECG heart rate in real-time, it is possible to port Scott W. Hardens sound card ECG to the Raspberry Pi. Scott Hardens sound card ECG software runs on Windows, but Scott has also Python code which is demonstrated in one of his YouTube videos (personal communication Scott Harden). Ask him for the code on his YouTube channel, if you cannot find it. The Python code should also run on an ARM based Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS.
  • Rahmat Ilias Bastis ECG heart rate analysis is eventually not done on his Raspberry Pi, but on a PC. But if we want the heart rate in real-time, we can choose Scott Hardens ECG software, or Paul Van Gents HeartPy:


– We do not know where Scott Hardens software is from, Paul van Gents HeartPy is published in “Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 66, 368-378”