Pros & cons of the Epoc Emotiv 32 channel EEG headset

Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by


  1. Emotiv is one of the view companies who offers a 32 channel EEG device which is used in scientific papers:

Google Scholar:

Selected papers:

2. We can find many pictures about the Epoc Flex on Google picture search, some which show EEG project which are realized with it:

3. Emotiv has a support which is responsive

  • We received the following important information from Emotiv:

4. The device is much more affordable than for instance devices from g.tec medical with 32 channels

5. The device offers LSL support with software which is offered by Emotiv

6. The device is also available from resellers, as for instance from the MindTecStore in Germany:


  1. The EEG analog to digital conversion rate is only 14 bit (1 LSB = 0.51μV, 16 bit ADC, 2 bits instrumental noise floor discarded), resarch grade devices usually offer at least 16 bit.

2. The warranty time of only 180 days if bought directly from Emotiv

3. A subscription is necessary for the Emotiv software which support LabStreamingLayer streaming, which is currently the only option we know which makes it possible to stream from the device to other software applications.

4. For 32 channel EEG Emotiv recommends an usb connection. If we use a cable connection with EEG devices, we risk an electric shock, if connected to a PC with high voltage. To avoid this risk, connect the Epoc control box to a laptop which is disconnected from power and runs on a battery.

4. We found no reseller yet in Switzerland.