Power saving options of the Pinephone

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

  • We did a first test of the battery life of the Pinephone with postmarketOS stable:


  • But we did not invest much time in optimizing and testing the power saving options of our Pinephone.

The Pinephone has the following options in the settings:

  • Power Mode:

a) balanced (we have chosen balanced)

b) power saver

  • Power Saving Options

x Automatic Screen Brightness (we had turned this off)

x Dim screen (we had turned this off)

  • Screen Blank (turns the screen off, we had chosen to switch the screen off after 1 minute)
  • Autmatic power saver (we had turned it off)

The only optimization we did in our first test was to switch off the screen automatically after one minute. In a previous test we found out that Pi screens use a lot of battery power. We did our Pinephone battery test since we still have it and wanted to compare the Pinephone data to the Pi data.