Pine64 EU make yourself independent & bring Pinephone keyboard back independend from Pine64 U.S.!

Last Updated on July 7, 2024 by

  • Or at least try it.
  • Peter Gamma from is happy about the Pin 64 EU store.
  • They still list the Pinephone keyboard

  • but it is out of stock there as well.
  • Pine64 USD does not offer it anymore.
  • It sound similar to the OpenBCI WIFI shield which never came back.,

Kevin Koffler from the pine64 forum says

  • Pine64 EU can only sell what the Pine Store USA sends them.
  • or what it has sent them in the past and is still in stock locally at Pine64 EU.
  • So while the keyboard case was in stock, they were able to sell it, but now it is gone.