PiEEG offers now also a 16 channel EEG shield

Last Updated on September 11, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org


But can we also build EEG devices with 256 EEG channels with PiEEG and Raspberry Pi’s? As long as no one buys these PiEEG modules, tests those and publishes these tests in a journal and not only on YouTube, Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org will go here:


And study the scientific literature about physiological multisensor devices based on InfluxDB. And eventually I will not come back to products on ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments. As long as PiEEG not proofs that PiEEG is more than a demo which is targeted especially at Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org, and no one else buys, uses, or tests it, he eventually will not come back to products based on the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments. If you are the last one you uses ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments, turn off the light.