PiEEG is a contemporary successor for OpenBCI – save PiEEG!

Last Updated on May 24, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org has reviewed products from www.openbci.com on 463 posts.


And he came to the conclusion that OpenBCI has many ussues which are basically not resolved by anyone. OpenBCI is 10 years old. And we have read that many users asked the question if OpenBCI is not developed further. PiEEG is such a further development of OpenBCI.

It is based on the same ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments than OpenBCI. But the architecture of PiEEG is much simpler than that of OpenBCI. And the pairing of a Raspberry Pi single board computer with a ADS1299 chip allows many new developments which are superior to OpenBCI.

But does someone exept for Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org care about PiEEG? OpenBCI is 10 years old and much marketing has done for it. And new users usually by products from www.openbci.com. They don’t even know about PiEEG. And no one makes marketing for PiEEG. It was shortly available from Crowdsupply, but then it was pulled from the market again. Now it is available from Elecrow:


And Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org is happy about that, and has put PiEEG to the pictures on his frontpage. But does PiEEG developer Ildar Rakhmatulin care about PiEEG?


Ildar Rakhmatulin announced to offer a course at the Heriot-Watt University which uses PiEEG. But we do not know anything about such a course which would be offered there, at least not publicly. But if for instance a university such as the Heriot-Watt University would pick up PiEEG and would offer a similar support for instance as which is available for the Mind Monitor:


This would be really a break-through for PiEEG, which would make it to a product which is superior to the Muse Headband and products from www.openBCI.com. PiEEG allows more development and is affordable. But what does Ildar Rakhmatulin? Instead of offering a course at the Heriot-Watt University with a support forum for PiEEG, he offers now Jetson Nano EEG (JNEEG):

And Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org says to that if not a strong partner such as for instance the Heriot-Watt University picks up PiEEG in their program, and if there is further stock market speculation and sculping with PiEEG by a marketing software which offers endless new demos which are based on the ADS1299 chip which come and go, such as HackEEG, with endlessly the same mantra that it is not possible to make money out of products which cost less than those from www.openbci.com with the goal to endlessly force us to buy the 10 year old products from www.openbci.com, this would be the end of our interest for products which are based on the ADS1299 chip.

PiEEG would be really a great successor to OpenBCI and could eventually also be picket up by www.openbci.com and supported. But if such a thing does not happen we would definitely let go of products based on the ADS1299 chip and turn towards another solution. This would mean also a view years more to get to learn about InfluxDB and single electronics components, but this is the future anyway.

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