Last Updated on March 25, 2024 by
PiEEG developer Ildar Rakhmatulin writes papers ins Sensors (Basel) which are partly funded by the U.S. Army:
How can this be explained? Peter Gamma from previously articulated the hypothesis that Cody Rall who works for the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Maryland near Washinton DC, USA, is also a test subject of the U.S. Army to test the effect of practicing meditation:
Are both Cody Rall and Ildar Rakhmatulin test subjects of the U.S. Army?
Ildar Rakhmatulin before meditating with PiEEG:
Ildar Rakhmatulin after meditating with PiEEG:
And the effect is tested in brain scanners of the U.S. Army? What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below. Or is PiEEG only a hobby of Ildar Rakhmatulin and he meditates assisted by brain scanners.