Last Updated on June 15, 2024 by
Peter Gamma from’s survey about LibreOffice on Ubuntu Touch phones:

“Making it a full blown app out of LibreOffice is possible based on what was done for Document Viewer, but the app will be huge and the effort required is important. If you can gather people willing to do it (like the waydroid project) it I think the goal can be achieved.”
first steps according to Peter Gamma:
Thank you for being positive about LibreOffice on Linux phones, AppLee, I am too:

Unfortunately, I was not able to gather a lot of people willing to do this over the last two years. But I am happy with a step by step approach.
People recommended Abiword, Gnumeric and VIM for the Pinephone. Vim was released in 1991, and Abiword and Gnumeric development has stopped 10 years ago when the development of LibreOffice started.
We have here one first step to make LibreOffice better on the Pinephone:
And instead of using Vim why not to choose a brute force method and remove as much as possible from LibreOffice and then control it by control keys? Then we had a LibreOffice with is similar to Vim. You then can add the menues your desire. If we have a keyboard which is suitable as for instance the Pinephone keyboard this would be the next step.
And I am gathering people willing to remove all the unneccessary stuff from LibreOffice for a version which can be controlled by keyboard shortcuts as it is with VIM.