Last Updated on January 28, 2025 by
In the 1990 s Peter Gamma from had read in the journal «Nature» a paper of Neuroscientist Christoph Koch with the title “How the Brain Works?”. Inspired by this paper, Peter became a neuroscientist as well, and started his work at the Brain Research Institute of the University of Zurich.
There he met with Prof. Dr. Peter Streit:
Unfortunately Prof. Streit does not live anymore, what Peter deeply regrets. In the 1990 s, Peter Gamma from got to know Peter Streit at the Brain Research Institute in Zurich. And Peter asked Peter Streit:
Why are you here?
And Peter Streit answered
«He came to the Brain Research Institute, because he thought, they know there how the brain works».
Peter Streit was a paraglider as Lama Pema Wangyal from the Drukpa Center Kollbrunn. And Peter immediately doubted about Peter Streit.
“They know how the brain works? This can t be, since the reason Peter worked at the Brain Research Institute of the University of Zurich was to find out how the brain works. So how can they already know this?“
And also Thomas Knopfel worked at the Brain Research Institute in Zurich. And he wanted to find out as well how the brain works. But then Thomas Knopfel decided against finding out how the brain works, and decided to become a Professor instead. And Peter Gamma from left the Brain Research Institute in Zurich before he had found out how the brain works.
Later on Peter talked to a psychiatrist and asked him if he knows how the brain works. Or more precisely, how to eliminate mental suffering. And the answer he gave him was not satisfying for him personally, and did also not help him.
And his psychiatrist basically confirmed what Woody Allen previously had said about psychotherapy:
Peters psychotherapist said to Peter:
«In my psychotherapy practically nothing ever happens»
Later on, Peter became interested in the Dalai Lama the 14, when he visited a talk he gave in the Hallenstadion in Zurich. And when Peter heard the Dalai Lama speaking, he asked himself:
“Why is this man so happy?”
And he visited also a second talk of the Dalai Lama the 14 later on in Lausanne. In Lausanne, there was next to the talk of the Dalai Lama the 14 th also a talk of Soygal Rhinpoche. And Peter immediately thought:
«This is an excellent speaker».
So Peter became interested in Soygal Rhinpoche. And Peter learned more from spiritual teachers such as Soygal Rhinpoche about «How the Brain Works» than he he has learned at the Brain Research Institute in Zurich and from Christoph Koch. Peter learned for instance from this talk:
Sogyal Rinpoche ~ Discovering mind’s true nature
And also the Tibetan Buddhist master Chögyam Trungpa wrote a book about “How the Mind Works”. A book we find translated to German language in the Orell Fussli book shop in Zurich
Peter has not read this book of Chögyam Trungpa, but he invites you to read it by yourself. As mentioned above, around the year 1990, Christoph Koch wrote in the journal Nature an article about «How the Brain works».
But what about today? Did Christoph Koch now definitely find out “How Te Brain Works”? No, he did not.
Since in 2023, Koch lost a 25-year bet to philosopher David Chalmers. Koch bet that the neural underpinnings of consciousness will be well-understood by 2023, while Chalmers bet the contrary. Upon losing, Koch gifted Chalmers a case of fine wine.[26]
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