Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Peter Gamma from has put the Pinephone on his BLACKLIST & invites everybody to build an alternative based on Raspberry Pi

Last Updated on June 25, 2024 by

  • Peter Gamma ws interested for many years in the Pinephone.
  • He currently owns a Pinephone with a Pinephone keyboard wich is somewhere in a box in Zurich where it is safe from thieves.
  • But Peter does not know if the thieves are still interested in this phone.
  • Peter has lost his interest in it, and has put it on his BLACKLIST:

There where many advertisements for the Pinephone, such as this one:

“The Pinephone can do anything”:

  • But this is not true.
  • Pine64 has pulled the Pinephone keyboard from the market.
  • Therefore the Pinephone cannot convince me personally anymore as a writer.
  • This phone cannot to this, and that is convince me.
  • This is another thing this phone can’t do.
  • I tried Bluetooth keyboard and mouse with the Pinephone, both disconnected.
  • Wibble from the Pine64 forum was successful for half an hour with the iGo Stoaway Bluetooth keyboard.
  • This keyboard is foldable, and not as handy as the Pinephone keyboard

I installed LibreOffice on the Pinephone and worked almost a month everyday a little on it with the supoort of with Pine64 forum member wibble until I got it running.

  • But hardly anyone seem to use LibreOffice on the Pinephone.

Recently Pine64 forum member jakfish has installed Word 97 on it:

  • And also this was hard work.

. Word97 is most probably one of the best office applications for the Pinephone.

  • I made a comparison table of different office applications here:
  • After many years of evalutation of the Pinephone, I finally came to the conclusion that the Pinephone is usable for writers.
  • And I think it one of the most interesting devices which is currently avaible for this purpose, due to it’s flexibility.
  • That we can almost ot anything with it if we have a keyboard such as the Pinephone keyboard.
  • The Pinephone has been reviewed a lot during the last years.
  • The PP & PPP keyboard has about the size of a QTEK 9000.
  • Which single board computer of that size can compete with this phone?
  • But to be a phone which is helpful for writers requires a community of users such as jakfish and Peter Gamma.
  • But if Pine64 now has pulled the Pinephone keyboard from the market they will loose these people who invested a lot of time in installing software for writers on it, and then cannot use it.
  • I invested even more time in reviewing the Pinephone on
  • it’s issues and how they can be resolved:

  • But without the Pinephone keyboard these reviews are basically without value for me personally.
  • I doubt that the Pinephone finds other friends such as jakfish who are also interested in it for writing and to bring this application on the Pinephone further.
  • I therefore have put the Pinephone on the BLACKLIST of
  • And I invite you all to build together an alternative to the Pinephone based on Raspberry Pi.
  • Many components for it are already available:

  • I have reviewed some on my site.
  • But I am a physiologist and not a Raspberry Pi enthousiast.
  • But I write a lot and need a contemporary replacement at the level of a QTEK 9000 which I haven’t found to this date.

And I invite Raspberry Pi developers to participate in the development of a Pinephone alternative based on the Raspberry Pi, for whatever purpose it will be used.

Information for product sellers who do stock market speculation and scalping with products mentioned by Peter Gamma on

According to the little experience of Peter Gamma from, many of the products listed here are still full of issues which need to be resolved. If you do stock market speculation and scalping with those, you will loose Peter Gamma from as a buyer of these products and as a reviewer. Is this not risky? Will you not loose a majority of your costumers as well?

And is it not so, that society in general does not accept stock market speculation and scalping with products as those which are listed here? And will you not be politically incapable of finding a majority of the voters if you do stock market speculation and scalping with these products?

And as a consequence will you not be condemned and punished by a political referendum soon? Especially if you do this to a Swiss, since are not majority of Swiss against stock market speculations and scalping with people on a budget? And people in Switzerland are known for a lot of political referendums, since we have direct democracy in this country.

And Peter Gamma from will fight up to the European Court of Human Rights against people who do stock market speculation and scalping with the products which are mentioned on And if they do not have yet the legal basis there to do so, he will fight for it.

What is a scalper?

A scalper is someone who buys something and resells it at a price far above the initial cost. For instance some says: “He got theater tickets through a scalper”: Someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit. And is it not also scalping if you take reviews from this site to make out of it a new product offer, and sell it for a higher price? We doubt that you will be successful with it. Since Peter Gamma will review your product and will user not come back to after that?