Our favorite single board computer for mobile applications

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

If we study this table closely:

and consider what we have learned during the last years, we come to the conclusion that the:

Raspberry Pi 4 with a 52Pi Raspberry Pi cluster case used by Leepspvideo:

Is our favorite single board computer. Leepspvideo uses this setup on a regular basis and has proofen it’s function. We just wish it was a little bit smaller.

  • None of the other SBC shown in the above table can compete with this setup. No one could convince us that his SBC is more reliable.
  • The Pinephone is a bit smaller, but unfortunatey leepspvideo Linux setup part 4 64bit KDE Plasma does not run on it on an external SSD or a Samsung bar memory stick as Leepspvideo uses it, a configuration with which we are happy with after our first tests.

This personal experience has brought us to this conclusion:

with the Pinephone:

it took us almost a month to install Libreoffice, Abiword and Gnumeric on this phone supported by the best supporters from the Pine64 forum, working every day a little bit on it.

With the Pi 4 and leepspvideo Linux setup part 4 64bit KDE Plasma:

we where able to install LibreOffice, Abiword and Gnumeric within a view minutes using the built in Discover store. Is this not of a magnitude better than with the Pinephone?