othermod PSPi 6 as a mini computer for our application?

Last Updated on September 25, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

We have discussed this topic previously:

  • othermod PSPi 6 supports zero 2 w and CM4
  • we did not list yet othermod PSPi 6 in this comparison table:
  • The zero 2 w offers only 512 Mb or RAM, which is a bottle neck. The CM4 offers more RAM
  • We studied the specifications of the PSP:


What we miss on othermod PSPi 6

  • A larger screen with higher resolution. The best solution for our application would be an Android phone as a Pi screen connected over usb to an Android phone as described by Tech Craft on his YouTube channel.
  • A bigger battery
  • usb-booting options would be highly desirable.
  • A great software for Pi’s is leepspvideo Linux setup part 4 64bit KDE Plasma. We where able to flash it on an external SSD or on a Samsung memory stick bar and running it from there without any problems. This software works great if it runs an a fast storage for instance by booting it from usb -3.