OpenBCI product sellers & Aliexpress and eBay seem to resolve issues which we report in our journal, but what about

Last Updated on April 16, 2023 by

After we asked questions in the forum about the ADS1299EEGFE-PDK Texas Instruments evaluation board, William Croft from OpenBCI commented, that this board is not save for humans:

  • and locked the thread about this device.

So we continued our questions about this board in the EEVBLOG:

  • we received a lot of answers there.

After that, we discovered HackEEG from

  • CEO from is Adam Feuer.
  • But according to, his no longer CEO from anymore.
  • according to, he as a new job and is now longer CEO from
  • What is a company without CEO?

After our questions in the EEVBLOG, we discovered also new OpenBCI products on eBay and on Aliexpress

  • An issue which we had with products from is that they are expensive.
  • Additionally, shipping and import taxes to Switzerland are high.
  • This issue was resolved by these new products on Aliexpress and on eBay.
  • Then we started to report about issues with the OpenBCI wifi shield which has issues with cyclic noise spiking and packet loss in our journal.
  • Then the first updated WIFI shields appeared on Aliexpress which were labeled updated and power improved WIFI shield.
  • A user tested a WIFI shield which is currently on the marked. We reported about this in our journal.

Www. does currently nof offer OpenBCI WIFI shields

  • We have reviewed this in our journal, which are the open questions regarding this topic.
  • Then we discovered the new OpenBCI products on ebay which are labeled as OpenBCI products with WIFI with resolved issues.
  • These products show product tests in the documentation:

These OpenBCI products seem to be updated to resolve issues with WIFI

  • we do not have a reason to complain about those updated OpenBCI products, altough we did not test those.
  • But we do not know of anybody who has tested these OpenBCI products with WIFI and published results about those exept for the manufacturer.

We also complained about an increase of price of an EEG cap which was sold on Aliexpress.

  • This issue has been resolved.
  • You can find this EEG cap for the price it was before the increase.

These observations let us conclude, that issues which we report in our journal are resolved by Aliexpress and eBay OpenBCI product sellers, but not by Although we reported in the forum, that we are interested in an updated OpenBCI WIFI shield, does not has resolved this issue, and does not offer an updated issue free WIFI shield.