“OpenBCI” or “How to Electronics”? – none of those, let us study the scientific literature if you are a developer at the university level

Last Updated on September 3, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Even if you are only working on a private project at Home and do it yourself.

Here we can see a robot toy which uses OpenBCI:

Mind-Controlled Robot – OpenBCI + MindAffectBCI + Maqueen V2:

Here we can see a robot toy presented by How To Electronics:

Mars Rover Robot Replica using ESP32 CAM & Arduino with Rocker Bogie System

Does not how to Electronics use newer and more advanced technology than OpenBCI? And this brings us again again to the hypothesis that EEG devices up to 50 000 USD violate competition laws in the US, EU, UK, China, Canada & Switzerland, although we suppose this is difficult to proof.

Already previously, How to Electronics shows instructions like the „IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring System using ESP32 Web Server“, which uses InfluxDB and a Cloud. But also devices like these are not invented by How To Electronics, they where previously in the scientific literature, as mind controlled robot toys are not an invention of OpenBCI developers.

After studying many products on YouTube in recent years, we came to the conclusion that many products which have been given up by developers at the university level are then published on YouTube.

So if you are a developer at the university level, we invite to avoid YouTube as much as possible, and look for new devices in the scientific literature instead:

Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org is a private project on his personal web site he does at home. But which developer at the university level wants again and again reject projects which where eventually previously rejected in scientific journals? That is why Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org will avoid projects which are presented on YouTube as much as possible. Anyone can publish a YouTube video, these are not peer-reviewed. If you are studying a high quality scientific journal, you have someone who already did the job before you. Many university libraries are open access, as for instance this one in Zurich:


We invite you to go to such a library to avoid vasteing your time.