Last Updated on June 14, 2024 by
Peter Gamma from

Has invested a lof time in this topic.
LibreOffice is not adapted for the Pinephone screen. Supporters in the Pinephone forum suggested to use VIM or Emacs instead:
- Or Abiword and Gnumeric.
- But Abiword and Gnumeric aren’t developed further since about 10 years.
- Abiword and Gnumeric have only very view short cuts.
LibreOffice is available for the Pinephone:
- LibreOffice can be adapted easily.
- It takes a bit of time, but we suggest to do the following procedure:
- Through everything out which does not fit on the Pinephone screen, for instance menues.
- Then we have a Libreoffice which can be controlled by shortcuts.
- Then it should be similar to control as VIM or Emacs.
- We do not need the full functionality of LibreOffice on the Pinephone anaway.
- And new menus can be created by users which fit their needs.
- And he thinks this can be solved by anyone who has a Pinephone
And we think this can be solved by anyone who has a Pinephone and has the necessary time.
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