Olympic Level Meditator Mingour Rinpoche Meditates Only For One Hour A Day, Is He Still a Olympic Champion Meditator?

Last Updated on September 22, 2022 by pg@petergamma.org

This information can be found in his latest Youtube video:

Well known Spiritual Masters meditate between 3 – 4 hours a day:

  • Dalai Lama: between 3 and four 4 hours in the morning.
  • Yogi Bhajan: 2 hours in the morning an 2 hours in the evening.
  • Thich Nhat Hahn: 4 hours a day.

We are we are disappointed about Mingour Rinpoches confession, that he only meditates for one hour a day.

Mingour Rinpoche was one of the 16 or so Olympic Champion meditators which where tested in the lab of Richard Davidsons group, which reached the highest Gamma wave levels in the left prefrontal cortex. Is Mingour Rinpoche still one of the Olympic Champion meditators?

The last study with these meditators was published 2004 in PNAS


18 years ago. Is Mingour Rinpoche still one of the Olympic Champion meditators? We need new studies to find out about this.

There is a joke among scientists that the abreviaton for PNAS means:


That PNAS publishes papers which where not accepted by Nature and Science.Richard Davidsons study from 2004 was only published in PNAS, but not in Nature. Matthieu Ricard said in one of his Youtube videos, that they where hoping to publish this study in Nature, but it was published in PNAS. If Richard Davidson study would have been a real break-through for meditation research, then it would problably have been published in Nature, and would have had many follow up paper regarding the same topic, but it did not.