Office applications for the Pinephone

Last Updated on September 6, 2024 by

Jackfish is one of the view Office experts for the Pinephone. He installed Word 97 in a XBOX/Wine container:

I Installed LibreOffice on the Pinephone, but I do not use it, although I am still interested in it:

Then we have alaraajavamma who uses as far as I know Abiword and Gnumeric on the Pinephone:

Which means that I know only of three people who are interested in Office on the Pinephone. This is a pity, since for me personally Office is one of the applications which make the Pinephone interesting. The community for this application consists of 3 people, but every member is precious. My preferred option for Office on the Pinepehone would be this one:

But the Pinephone seems to be a typical Linux device, you can do anything with it, but you have to do it yourself.