Last Updated on May 5, 2023 by
It is the first device which we know which supports touch on Armbian at that level
- It has a Bluetooth and and a Odroid Wifi dongle.
- It has an usb hub
- the video shows SSD boot with Armbian Twister OS
- the display is powered over usb and touch goes over usb
- touch works without pen
- The latest OS can be downloaded from the Twister OS website.
- The video shows a keyboard
- The video reminds of Martijn Braams video about the PinePhone with an USB-C dock and offers an alternative to this setup:
- The box includes a HDMI cable
- The reviewer bought a box with an ODROID N2+ which includes accessoires.
- The reviewer bought the box used.
- It includes speakers for the display.
- Headsink and fan included.
- The reviewer uses a big keyboard for typing, is it a usb?
- The keyboard is not plugged in the hub, but the reviewer did not show it how he pairs it, either.
The reviewer Byteman shows in a second video a game demo on theThe Odroid N2 and the x86 emulatore BOX86 – he shows the CRYSIS game
The setup shows Armbian with a 5 inch touch display, but it is not clear how the keyboard pairs, and the video shows only a game demo, similar to the many game demos for the Radxa zero. We need more information about other application to find out if it works for us.
The ODROID-VU5A 5inch HDMI display with Multi-touch and Audio capability is available from Hardkernel:
Armbian Twister OS image is available for the Odroid N2+
Odroid N2 / N2+ Armbian images:
Odroid N2 / N2+ in the Armbian forum:
- The demos of the reviewer show mainly games installed on a x86 emulator
- How is it to install mainstream applications?
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