More and more new & interesting projects with smartwatches, EEG devices, Home Assistant, InfluxDB, Grafana, the UBdots Cloud, etc.

Last Updated on September 11, 2024 by

Are you a Home Assistant developer looking for a new topic? Peter Gamma from has something for you. There are tons of YouTube videos about Home Assistant. So it must be something new and interesting.

Here we have a project for you which will keep hobbyists busy for the rest of their lives:

We have papers which uses smartwatches, heart rate sensors, step counters with Home Assistant, as for instance this one:

SDHAR-HOME: A Sensor Dataset for Human Activity Recognition at Home

Other papers use a strange combination of devices such as the Emotiv Epoc Flex 32 with 32 EEG channels and other Emotiv devices in combination with InfluxDB:

Integrated Development Environment for EEG-Driven Cognitive-Neuropsychological Research:

Here two worlds collide which have to be integrated. We found many demos with the Texas Instruments ADS1299 EEG chip with 8 – 16 EEG channels. And we find papers with strange combinations which use smartwatches, Home Assistant and InfluxDB. Home Assistant, InfluxDB, Graphana, UBdots Cloud, etc, seem to be platforms which are alive and kicking, and many new projects are available. The other world is the world of the Texas Instruments ADS1299 EEG chip. And we suppose sooner or later we have a combination of these two worlds. A. J. Kellers Neurosity Crown uses already a software which reminds of Home Assistant, which is most probably based on InfluxDB. But to use this software is challenging.

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