Meditation teachers at the University level – where can we find those in Switzerland?

Last Updated on March 5, 2025 by

An academic degree in Switzerland takes around 12 years, which is 7 years of high school followed by 4 -5 years at the university. And similarly, to reach Samadhi, liberation, being awake or enlightenment takes at least 12 years of full-time training well, according to estimations of the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRS). But where can we find those teachers in Switzerland with 12 years or more of training in meditation?

One of those is Looten Dartotsgang

Looten Dartotsgang is financed by Grieder who was formerly located at the Paradeplatz in Zurich.

And another is Lama Pema Wangyal

He graduated at the Central Universities of Tibetan Higher Studies and received a Bachelor of Buddhist Philosophy in 2006 .The Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (CIHTS; Tibetan: ཝ་ཎ་མཐོ་སློབ, Wylie: wa Na mtho slob), formerly called Central University for Tibetan Studies (CUTS), is a Deemed University founded in Sarnath, Varanasi, India, in 1967, as an autonomous organisation under Union Ministry of Culture.[2] The CIHTS was founded by Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru in consultation with Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, with the aim of educating Tibetan youths in exile and Himalayan border students as well as with the aim of retranslating lost Indo-Buddhist Sanskrit texts that now existed only in Tibetan, into Sanskrit, to Hindi, and other modern Indian languages.[3]

Lama Pema Wangyal lived in the Tibet Rikon Insitute Monastry for 17 years and then moved out. He struggles with worldly matters and lives in a six square meter apartment. Pema Wangyal moved out of the Tibet Institute in Rikon and opened a meditation center. He lives on the breadline, but is not afraid of failure.

And there are some other teachers wich more than 12 years of training that we can find on Meditationszene Schweiz:

Half a century of meditation practice with Fred von Allmen | Meditation Scene Switzerland

And the only meditation research project in Switzerland known to Peter Gamma from

is the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS) which is a private project on Peter Gamma s personal website. And similar to Lama Pema Wangyal, Peter Gamma from
struggles with worldly matters:

Peter lives in a six square meter room. And he does not the use the other rooms of his apartments for reasons he discussed previously. Peter lives at the breadline as well, but is not afraid of failure as Pema. So what can we conclude from this? How good are teachers of meditation and scientists of meditation at the university level established in Switzerland? What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below. And we invite also Diego Hangartner from Küsnacht (ZH) to participate in the discussion below.

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