Meditation Scene Switzerland: Meditation with animals & Theresia Raberger & mindfulness meditation with Lama Pema Wangyal

Last Updated on August 25, 2024 by

There is a new YouTube channel in Switzerland : meditation scene Switzerland. Stress reduction – or enlightenment? A little more inner peace – or profound insight? The range of meditation options in Switzerland is huge. This podcast goes in search of people who have been meditating for a long time, who teach meditation or incorporate it into their profession. Who are they? How did they get into meditation? And what characterizes their practice?

We found some people for the meditation scene Switzerland. :

Meditation with animals & Theresia Raberger on the Rigi mountain:

And mindfulness meditation with Lama Pema Wangyal on Yogtrack:

The Meditation Research Institute Switerland and Peter Gamma from highly appreciate Theresia Raberger and her Meditation with animals courses on the Rigi mountain, and her contribution to the meditation scene Switzerland: But someone who urgently needs more attention in the Meditation Scene Switzerland is Lama Pema Wangyal:

The Meditation Reserach Institute Switzerland (MRIS) and Peter Gamma from support Theresia Raberger and meditation with animals as well as Lama Pema Wangyal and invites yout to support these extraordinary people from the Meditation Scene Switzerland, too.