Meditation Teacher Lama Pama Wangyal is back in Switzerland & gives advice to students to work hard

Last Updated on July 11, 2024 by

Lama Pama Wangyal at the Train Station in Wallisellen in Switzerland: (sub-titles available inArabic):

Where Peter Gamma from has been recently as well.

Lama Pama Wangyal at the Glattzentrum Wallisellen in Switzerland (sub-titles available in Hindi):

Where Peter Gamma from hasn’t been since a long time.

Lama Pama Wangyal gives advice to students to work hard (sub-titles available in English): :

But how can Peter Gamma, the Director of the Meditation Research institute Switzerland (MRIS):

work hard which all the devices he reviewed on which he mainy found on YouTube?

They make him starting to feel sick such as:

Linux Phones:

And PiEEG: