Matthieu Ricard is a longtime participant in an ongoing research study led by Davidson that monitors a subject’s brain activity and the impact of meditation on pain regulation.

Last Updated on May 10, 2024 by

  • Caption: On June 5, 2008, technician Andy Francis (left with eyeglasses) and associate scientist and co-principal investigator Antoine Lutz (right) outfit Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard (seated) with a 128-channel geodesic sensor net in preparation for conducting an electroencephalography (EEG) test at the EEG facility in the Waisman Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Ricard is a longtime participant in an ongoing research study led by Richard J. Davidson that monitors a subject’s brain waves during various forms of meditation including compassion meditation.
    Photo by: Jeff Miller
    Date: June 2008

  • But where not most of these pictures shown before?
  • Is this long-term study with Matthieu Ricard still going on?
  • We found at other places pictures which where published, but no scientific data, which where an evidence of ongoing scientific studies, but only the pictures where published,.
  • Are only pictures published, and not scientific data, since the scientific data are not not good to this date?

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