Leading demonstration of OpenBCI with 16 channels for the year 2024

Last Updated on January 5, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

The demonstrations of sentdex with OpenBCI 16 channel is four years old and uses only Bluetooth transmission, but is still worth watching in the year 2024:

After all what we have learned in the last four years we suppose that sentdex is not the originiator of this demonstration of OpenBCI but eventually Texas Instruments? But all the same it is still worth watching the series until we have a 32 channel EEG device based for instance on PiEEG.

Python programmer Harrison Kinsley:


has shown that we can get somewhere with OpenBCI Cyton 16 ch. and Python and showed a a demonstration with 3 parts which shows the use of OpenBCI for Neurophysiological Experiments.