Landguet Ried is a foundation – but where are the foundations who fund research on meditation & meditation researchers such as Antoine Lutz?

Last Updated on May 11, 2024 by

Stiftung Landguet Ried Hilfligweg 10. CH-3172 Niederwangen, bei Bern Telefon: +41 (0)31 981 03 77. E-Mail: office(at)

Landguet Ried has a YouTube channel with video of:

  • Matthieu Ricard
  • Richard Davidson
  • Alan Wallace
  • Diego Hangartner
  • Fred von Allmen

Fred von Allmen is one of the first Swiss teachers of Vipassana meditation, co-founder of the Beatenberg Meditation Center together with Ursula Flückiger and others, author of a number of books on Buddhist practice, leader of meditation courses and retreats in insight meditation and compassion worldwide.

Matthieu Ricard talked on the Landguet Ried YouTube channels about a path towards inner freedom

  • How much does it cost to have Matthieu Ricard on his own YouTube channel?
  • We suppose a lot.
  • So is the Landguet Ried Foundation a rich foundation to attract rich people

As for instance ex Novartis CEO Daniel Vasella:

Who lives in his own world in Risch in Zug:

  • Who would not wish to have a foundation who funds talks with the people mentioned above on YouTube?
  • But what is about meditation researcher Antoine Lutz?
  • Since 20 years Antoine Lutz writes papers about meditation research.
  • But should Antoine Lutz not have a foundation who funds him?
  • Is Antoine Lutz funded intransparently, and waits for a foundation who fund him?
  • Or does Antoine Lutz a self-experiment about the effect of meditation which is privately funded?
  • And will there be sooner or later offers to meditate with Antoine Lutz and a brain scanner?
  • But whould this mainly be interesting for marketing agencies and investement bankers who ware looking for rich meditators who want to meditate in a brain scanner?

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